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H.Minkowski著「The Fundamental Equations for Electromagnetic Processes in Moving Bodies」

Hermann Minkowski,“Die Grundgleichungen fu¨r die elektromagnetischen Vorga¨nge in bewegter Ko¨rpern”, Nachrichten der K. Gesellschaft der Wissinschaften zu Go¨ttingen. Mathematisch-physikalische Klasse., S.53〜111, 1908年の英訳版


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First Part.Consideration of aether as a limiting cace
§2.The basic equations for ether
§3.The theorem of Relativity of Lorentz
§4.Special Lorentz trasnformations
§5.Specetime Vectors of the Tst and Und kind
§6.Concept of Time
Second Part.The electromagnetic phenomena
§7. Fundamental Equations for Bodies at Rest
§8.The Fundamental Equations for Moving Bodies
§9.The fundamental equation in the theory of Lorentz
§10.The fundamental equations of E.Cohn
§11.Typical represintation of the fundamental equations
§12.The differential operator Lor
§13.The product of the fiels vectors f F
§14.The ponderomotive forces
Appendix.Mechanics and the relativity postulate


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1.Consideration of aether as a limiting case

§2.The basic equations for ether


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§3.The theorem of Relativity of Lorentz


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§4.Special Lorentz trasnformations


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§5.Specetime Vectors of the Tst and Und kind


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§6.Concept of Time


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2.The electromagnetic phenomena

§7. Fundamental Equations for Bodies at Rest


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§8.The Fundamental Equations for Moving Bodies


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§9.The fundamental equation in the theory of Lorentz



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§10.The fundamental equations of E.Cohn


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§11.Typical represintation of the fundamental equations


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§12.The differential operator Lor



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§13.The product of the fiels vectors f F



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§14.The ponderomotive forces


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Appendix.Mechanics and the relativity postulate


HOME  TOP  Index  Introduction)  Part1)()()()()  Part2)()()(10)(11)(12)(13)(14)  Appendix  END  Minkowskiの4次元世界  特殊相対性理論(1905年)   E=mc2 の証明  相対論的力学  サイトマップ